Hello Kindergardener's and Parents!
Counting is not only important for helping us to fall asleep!
According to the Ontario Kindergarten Curriculum document, "Children should be envouraged to identify, explore, and discuss mathematics in books that they read, in situations that occur in the classroom, and in situations outside the classroom." Within our classroom, we are working towards creating a classroom environment that encompasses, "hands-on experiences that focus on a particular mathematical concept and by identifying and embedding significant mathematics learning experiences in play, daily routines and classroom experiences."
We have used this site before during our computer time and it has some great games and activities! Not only is it fun, but it is consistent with the play-based learning that is a key element in Kindergarten!
If you click the link below, you will be directed to a great Sesame Street Game that works on counting!
Smiles and Cookies,
Miss Paterson